The Fermi Paradox is a thought-provoking debut science fiction novel by Scott Cirakovic. Focused on the contradiction surrounding the lack of evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial civilisations and the high likelihood of them actually existing, it asks what humanity would do if such evidence were discovered.
The story begins as the protagonist Syed and his work colleague discover evidence that extraterrestrials exist. At the same time they also discover that faster than light travel is possible.
This discovery kicks off an international race to build the first FTL spaceship, a race more political than sensible. Glory, power, and influence await the nation who succeeds. They entirely ignored the dangers of potential success.
Overall, The Fermi Paradox sits on the edge of the science fiction and political satire, but it’s in the political arena where it truly shines.
At its heart, The Fermi Paradox is an ominous reflection of humanity and the darker side of international politics. It doesn’t back away from human drivers such as greed, the desire for power, and what people will do to get what they want regardless of the costs or consequences.
Highly recommended.